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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
GI +cogwheel 7
GI GURUCHARAN +cogwheel 7
GIA +shield & cogwheel 9, 14, 16, 41, 42
cogwheel 7
GINGER +cogwheel & square 8
GJF +cogwheel 35
GJF +cogwheel & diamond 35
GJF +diamond cogwheel circl 14, 16
GJF +diamond cogwheel ovals 35
GJF +diamond & cogwheel 35
cogwheel 29
GK GEEKAY +arrow & cogwheel 37
GKCIET +cogwheel 41
GL GRIH LAXMI +cogwheel 24
GLENSTORMS +arcs & cogwheel 6
GLOBUS +drop & cogwheel 4
GLOTEX +cogwheel 3, 7
GLOTEX +cogwheel & stripes 7
GM GRACE +cogwheel 9, 11
GM GRACELINE +cogwheel 7, 9, 11
GM engineering +cogwheel 37
GM grace +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 30
GMIS +ship & cogwheel 37
cogwheel 7
GMW GEELI +cogwheel 7
GMW products +cogwheel 12
GN ENTERPRISES +cogwheel 28
GNUTTI +cogwheel & bird 7
GOA SAHAKAR JAL +cogwheel 32
GOBIND +cogwheel 7, 40
GOKUL +cogwheel 12
GOLD ASEEAN +cogwheel 19
GOLD DISCO +rope & cogwheel 22
GOLD LAB +cogwheel 14
GOLDEN +cogwheel 7
GOLDEN +swastika & cogwheel 8
GOLDEN PUNJAB +cogwheel 7, 35
GOLDEN THUMB +hand cogwheel 30
GOLDEN punjab +cogwheel 6, 35
GOLDENARC 6013 +cogwheel 9
GOLF ULTRA +cogwheel & oval 8
GOOD FAME +cogwheel & torch 34
GOPS AUTOMATION +cogwheel 42
GP +wreath cogwheel & circl 7
GPC +cogwheel 2
GPC JERLAC +cogwheel 2
GPI CARGO +cogwheel 25
GPS +cogwheel 4
GR +cogwheel 7, 12
GR +cogwheel & square 12
GR BALAJI +cogwheel 17
GR BLUE +star & cogwheel 17
GRAAMIYA +herbs & cogwheel 30
GRACE +man & cogwheel 6
GRACE SPRIT +man & cogwheel 25
GRACE note book +cogwheel 16
GRAND OCEAN +cogwheel 11, 12
GRANDSON +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 41
GRAPHIC ERA HILL +cogwheel 41
GRASALIP +cogwheel 5
GREEN EARTH +globe cogwheel 39
GREEN SAI AGRO +cogwheel 7
GREY OXIDE +cogwheel stripe 9
GROSSE SINCE 1878 +cogwheel 42
GROTEK +cogwheel & book 16
GRP +cogwheel 12
GS GEETA SOLAR +cogwheel 11
GS PRODUCTS +plant cogwheel 7
GSL +cogwheel 7, 35
GSM GLOBAL SCHOOL +cogwheel 16
GSM g.g. steels +cogwheel 12
GSML +plants & cogwheel 30
GSP +cogwheel & circle 17
GSSIT +cogwheel & ovals 41
GSXIS SECURITY +cogwheel 42
GT AL TAEAM +cogwheel 30
GT SHALIMAR +cogwheel 21
GT gear-tek +cogwheel 7
GTC +cogwheel 4, 7, 12
GTE +cogwheel 35
GTI +cogwheel & spools 24
GTI +circles & cogwheel 7
cogwheel 39
GTN news +cogwheel 38
GTRANS +tractor & cogwheel 12
GULF +cogwheel & trees 7
GULZAR MOTORS +cogwheel car 37
GUNI +cogwheel & flowers 35
GUNMETAL +ovals & cogwheel 25, 35
cogwheel 19
GURUMAT +cogwheel & ribbon 30, 43
GURUNATH SGS +cogwheel 42
GUTAGE +cogwheel & arc 5
H +hexagon & cogwheel 6
H PLASTICS +cogwheel 21
H. SHENG +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 9, 35
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